Project Kick-Offs

This project was officially kicked on the 11th of April 2019, by the launching of WP1 (Project management) & WP 2 (Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication) in Veurey-Voroise – France. It was the opportunity to visit Lynred facility and start to create relation between project members.

On 25th of June 2019 the WP5 (Optic) was kicked in Paris – France.

On 23rd of July 2019 WP4 (System in package), WP6 (Demonstrators) & WP 7 (In-Cabin Applications) were kicked at Pescara – Italia at the offices of Next2U.

On 10th of September 2019, WP8 (Car environment perception) were kicked in Lindau – Germany, Denso hosted the meeting and proposed a visit of their labs with test car that will be used for the project.